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Tag: book

Feb 24

‘Snonan the Brave’ premieres at the Image Comic Expo today in Oakland Feb 24,2012

I am pleased as punch to finish my new comic book ‘Snonan the Brave,’ the story of a warrior snowman and a quest that will make his face his greatest fear! Featuring lose ink drawings and wordless dialog for all-ages. For years I had this idea of a story combining a Snowman + ‘Conan the …

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Nov 19

Motion Comic Magic > new european comic trailers ‘Gringos Locos’ ‘Ria’ and ‘Kid Lucky’

For today’s Motion Comic Magic post I just wanted to share a few nice trailers for comic books from France/Belgium and Germany. I am still surprised that the  major US companies don’t create more trailers for their books. The first one is a Franco-Belgian BD comic trailer that features a story of three comic artists …

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Sep 25

‘Brian Kolm: Portfolio 2007-2011’ now avalible through

I wanted to find a unique way to show samples of my artwork that would stand out, so I decided to create a hard-cover book that I could use at conventions and professional meetings. The book features samples of my artwork from 2007-2011 including illustrations and personal work. The books are Print On Demand through …

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Jul 17

Kung Fu, Space, and Books=animated book trailers

Hey all, it’s time for some more trailers for books. Today we get one picture book and two comic books. What do you think, would you read them after seeing these trailers?   I posted a trailer a while back for Lane Smith’s book It’s a Book! which was really well done. Well there is …

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Feb 17

Link: Fuddles animated book trailer

(via Cartoon Brew) Check out this wonderfully animated trailer for an upcoming picture book by veteran animator Frans Vischer, Fuddles the Cat. While the animation is not like some book trailers since it does not use artwork directly from the book like some do, this one has animation by the author that tops any computer …

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Apr 11

Q) What format for a comic?

(can’t see the images in facebook/email, view it here: ) Now that our comic work will most likely appear in multiple formats: print, web, ipad, iphone/ipod touch, Motion Comics, cel phone, e-book reader what is the best format to aim for first? There is….. 1) Standard Comic Book Format (portrait aspect ratio). Pros: Works …

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Sep 22

24 Hour Comic Book Day Oct 18, 2008 …11am to 11am

It’s almost that time of year, time for the official 24 Hour Comic Book Day. The folks from the Cartoonist Conspiracy in San Francisco have joined forces with Comics Outpost to take on this unique challenge where artist work to complete a 24 page comic in 24 hours. Crazy…..yes, of course. But an excellent challenge …

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