Promotional illustration for my Cartoon Boot Camp class at the Cartoon Art Museum – Character Creation: Superheroes. The class runs the week of June 4 to 8, 2012. Sign up at:
May 09
Promotional illustration for my Cartoon Boot Camp class at the Cartoon Art Museum – Character Creation: Superheroes. The class runs the week of June 4 to 8, 2012. Sign up at:
Feb 11
As I get closer to revealing my new comic book (which will be for sale at the Image Comic Expo Feb 24-26, 2012) I will be revealing more Work-in-Progress for the project. For today’s post are some samples of S’ for the comic’s logo. These are just my top choices after drawing pages and page …
Jul 02
Hey all, below you will find a video slide show featuring artwork my students created for the Character Design Cartoon Boot Camp at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. The goal of the class was to design and draw a character the students could call their own for a final project and I happy …
Apr 16
I am pleased that my college and cartooning buddy Alexis Fajardo’s graphic novel, Kid Beowulf has won the PubWest Silver Award for his novel Kid Beowulf and the Blood Bound Oath. I did the digital coloring on the cover as well as watercolor washes on the prologue. Congratulations to everyone who worked on the book. …
Jun 29
This is just a shout out to my students from the first two weeks of Cartoon Boot Camp at the Cartoon Art Museum. As you might have seen here at the blog, the first week’s Character Creation Camp yielded many fantastic characters. Congratulations to: Joey, Len, Rachel, Clare, Decklan, Turo, Olin, Adam, Johnny, and Keevan. …