I will be returning to Chabot College for this years Kids on Campus in Hayward Ca. I will be teaching… June 20-24: Cartooning: Monsters & Critters June 27-July 1: Cartooning: Star Wars Art
May 06
I will be returning to Chabot College for this years Kids on Campus in Hayward Ca. I will be teaching… June 20-24: Cartooning: Monsters & Critters June 27-July 1: Cartooning: Star Wars Art
Jun 10
Hey all. Time for another update on whats happening with the ever tall Brian Kolm. – I will be teaching an Adult level class on this weekend June 13-14, 200: Defining the Project Instructor: Brian Kolm Level: Beginning/Intermediate – Adult Days: June 13-14, 2009 Are you thinking about working on a personal comic or cartoon …
May 29
On Saturday, June 7th I will be at the Schulz Museum in lovely Santa Rosa CA to promote my summer animation class. You can find me in the education room creating animation by way of Zoetrope and Stop Motion. Admission to the museum is FREE all day. Come sample some of our summer class activities …