Photos and art from the summer school class that I taught at Chabot College in Hayward CA. The end result was the kids creating there own beasts.
Jul 02
Photos and art from the summer school class that I taught at Chabot College in Hayward CA. The end result was the kids creating there own beasts.
May 06
I will be returning to Chabot College for this years Kids on Campus in Hayward Ca. I will be teaching… June 20-24: Cartooning: Monsters & Critters June 27-July 1: Cartooning: Star Wars Art
Apr 13
I will be teaching again this Summer at Chabot College in Hayward CA for the Kids on Campus summer program. Cartooning: Monsters & Critters Whether it’s a graceful unicorn, a slithering dragon or a more modern beast, we have been telling stories of fanciful creatures of all sorts since the beginning of time. This class …
Mar 31
Announcing a new series of art prints that will be sold starting at Wondercon 2011 TOMORROW April 1st. – It’s not April Fools Joke, 3 new color prints that will brighten any room and make you think of the magical imaginary isles of the tropics. Each print is colorful and on a nice 90 lb …
Feb 07
Here are some drawings from last year while teaching that I just got around to scanning in, and posting. Probably done when I was planning my fantasy creature art class that I did last year. Click on the images to see it a bit bigger on