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Mar 26

#dailydrawings March 2017 – part 1 – New Sketchbook/New Theme

Hello there. Time to catch you up on the Daily Drawings in the ol’ Sketchbook.

This is a new sketchbook that started on February 25, 2017 with a theme of ReDraw. My challenge for this book is taking characters created in the past and developing them more, mostly by ReDrawing them.

For this post we feature my reinterpretations of the most popular characters I drew in the previous sketchbook based on their popularity on Instagram. In the following three posts you will see 3 of the character developed more, so stayed tuned.

To see where these designs came from, review these posts PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4

dailydrawing March 2017 - part 1