Hello all, time for an update on my Daily Drawings. Daily Drawings are the drawings I try to do each day to keep my drawing and creativity skills healthy.
The drawings are being posted on my Instagram account, which you can see and follow HERE. https://www.instagram.com/briankolm/
I missed posting a week of drawings, so this poster should be followed by a second one that will get me caught up for next week.
So here we go…
Random name superhero…Glow Noid
Random name superhero…Android Aquarius.
Random name superhero…Ms. Vibe.
Random name superhero…er…super villain..up.. hard to tell on this one. It’s Fox Bomb! I assume he is a screwball, loony tunes type character.
Random name superhero…The Grim Hound. Sort of a bat man like hero, with a dog motif.
A drawing example from my recent class as part of the SMCF. He’s sort of a Harry Potter type character, but in the Slytherin house at Hogwarts. I image the funny little super wizard is his ‘Jimmny Cricket’ conscience.
Random name superhero…Spook Boy. This is another one that I actually thought a bit about who there were.
So I drew a little boy wearing a skull #mask and an adult sized bath robe, floating to scare away vandals at his school. Of course he floats with the help of his #ghostlyguardian.
Random name superhero…Horror Five! A whole team of spooky, young heroes.
Thanks for checking out my drawings!