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Tag: princess

Aug 09

SDCC 2011 part 4: My artwork I created

As you know from my previous posts, I participated in the Cartoon Art Museum’s Sketch-A-Thon at the SDCC2011. Most of the time we created original art for a donation to the Museum for an individual, but sometimes we did drawings that were just examples while waiting for a customer. A few of mine that did …

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Aug 06

Princess and the Frog pencil tests

Here is some pencil tests for the upcoming Disney animated feature the Princess and the Frog. Very very very very cool.

Aug 17

Exciting new movies in the future.

I have to say there are three animated film I am excited about: The Princess and the Frog from Disney. A return to 2D animation with a musical fairytale set in New Orleans. Check out the funny clip below to see a teaser for the film. Looking very cool. ALSO check out Disney’s new website …

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