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Tag: Church st

Aug 13

2011/8/22 SF Artist meet-up: InkDrinkDraw Mon August 22, 2011

My buddy George Webber (No Cash Comics) and I are planning another InkDrinkDraw artist get together for Monday August 22, 2011 at the Church St. Cafe, starting at 6:30pm. This is a chance for Bay Area/San Francisco artist who are interesting in Cartooning, Comics, Illustration, Animation and similar art forms to meet up, hang out, …

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Mar 09

Cartoonist Conspiracy San Fransisco CA on March 13,2008

Hey everyone! The last meeting of the Cartoonist Conspiracy of San Francisco was fantastic with over 11 people in attendance and the art that came out of the night was really great. But it would be even cooler to get even more folks this week. So grab your favorite drawing tools and head on down …

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