Hey everyone! The last meeting of the Cartoonist Conspiracy of San Francisco was fantastic with over 11 people in attendance and the art that came out of the night was really great. But it would be even cooler to get even more folks this week. So grab your favorite drawing tools and head on down to the Church St. Café at 6:30 pm this Thursday and draw with us. You’ll be glad you did, or possibly amused you did.
We meet on the second and last Thursday of each month at the Church St. Café from 6:30 pm to sometimes between 9 and 10 pm.
When: Thursday March 13th, 2008
Where: Church St. Cafe, 260 Church St San Francisco, CA 94114
Description: The
Here is where we are: (the green cabin is the café and the blue markers are MUNI bus stations)
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