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Tag: ccsf

Mar 01

CAM-JAM 2010 – #1 follow-up w/photos

Hey all, I thought it was time to give a bit of a follow-up to the CAM-JAM comic jam at the Cartoon Art Museum that I helped organize with the museum’s bookstore. I would say it’s the most successful event yet with 16 participants helping create a 40 page mini comic. There is a link …

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Feb 15

Inspiration links for the CAM-JAM2010-1 coming on Sunday Feb 21, 2010

Just a reminder that the CAM-JAM event is happening this coming Sunday Feb 21, 2010. To find out more, VISIT THIS LINK. Since the themes for this CAM-JAM Comic Jam are Samurai/Superhero and Brush and Ink here are a few good inspirational links. – Photos of Samurai artifacts and armor. – Examples of …

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Feb 02

CAM-JAM 2010 #1! Feb 21, 2010 11:30 to 5:30 at the Cartoon Art Museum

OK, folks. I am representing the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco in setting up another comic jam at the Cartoon Art Museum with help of the museum’s bookstore. Yep, this is my ‘baby’. So if you are in the area and love to draw, come on down and join us. The Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco and …

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Aug 18

CAM JAM 2 thoughts from Romy and more going ons

– In response to the comic jam on last Sunday, here are some thoughts from my friend Romy. She has nicely created a list of points that would be fit for a corroborate presentation. Romy also helped to keep the event flowing and brought a lot of spirit to the proceeding. Thanks Romy. – I …

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Aug 08

CAM JAM #2, Sunday August 16, 2009 11-5

The Cartoon Art Museum bookstore and the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco present: CAM JAM #2: Once Upon a Time Sunday August 16, 2009 Where: Cartoon Art Museum – San Francisco CA When: 11am to 5pm The Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco art group and the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore are proud to present the second Comic …

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Jun 07

JAM Idea: Sticky Note Comic Jam

Sticky Note Comic JamHistory: We first did it at the Cartoonist Conspiracy meet on Thursday May 28, 2009 with added printed template layouts on May 31, 2009 at the Cartoon Art Museum Jam. Idea:This Jam was following up from the Index Card Comic Jam in which we had groups of two or three people join …

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Jun 07

Comic Jam Idea: Speedy Comic Jam

Speed Comic Jam History: First done at the Cartoon Art Museum Comic Jam on May 31, 2009 Idea: The idea of this jam is to work fast. Some of us artist have a habit of getting stuck on our comics projects and spending too much time. The jam produced interesting results and has some different …

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May 30

CCSF Comic Jam at the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore, TOMORROW Sunday May 31, 2009

This is sort of late, but since more people connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, DeviantArt, etc I have not been updating the blog as much. TOMORROW is an event I have been helping put together for the Cartoonist Conspiricy San Francisco comic jam group. May 31, 2009. Sunday. We will have a comic jam …

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