Oct 06
These images are more experiments with Design Markers. Boy there lots of fun to use. click for larger version click for a larger image Tag(s):drawing|sketch|
Sep 28
click for a bigger image Pen and Ink with digital coloring. Tag(s):drawing|illustration|
Sep 28
click for slightly bigger image This was drawn in my sketchbook the other night while hanging out with friends. The design is from a drawing my friend Toni. Tag(s):drawing|sketch|
Sep 28
click for a bigger image I created the flier for Silicon 2007 Comic Jam. Drawn inPen and ink with text and graphics in Photoshop. I tried to make sure that each panel could have been drawn by different artist. The jam was pretty fun last year, to see the results, check out the official page …
Sep 24
Subject: Non-specific Date: October 27, 2007 Time: 1-3 Cost: $5 per student Ages: 8-14 Reservations: Recomended, call (415) CAR-TOON Link: http://www.cartoonart.org
Sep 24
click for a bigger image 11 X 17 Pencil drawing with and without color. click for a bigger image
Sep 22
Subject: Non-specific Date: October 27, 2007 Time: 1-3 Cost: $5 per student Ages: 8-14 Reservations: Recomended, call (415) CAR-TOON Link: <a href=”http://www.cartoonart.org”>http://www.cartoonart.org</a>