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Tag: educational

Mar 26

Upcoming class: March 29, 2010 at the Schulz Museum

On this upcoming March 29, 2010 I will be teaching two classes at the Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa CA. Superheroes and Sidekicks Learn the basics of drawing daring wonder women, strong super men, and their savvy sidekicks. Join cartoonist Brian Kolm as he covers the basics of heroic figure construction. MONDAY, MARCH 29 ? …

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Nov 13

Kids drop-in cartooning class at the CAM, Saturday Nov 17th 2007

I will be teaching the Drop-In class at the Cartoon Art Museum this Saturday Nov 17th, 2007 from 1 to 3 pm. The cost is $5 per student and includes admission to the museum as well. There are limited spots so it is recommended that you call ahead to 415-CAR-TOON. The classes are accessible by …

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