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Tag: animaiton

May 10

Disney’s Princess and the Frog and Ponyo

I am very much looking forward to this movie… December 2009 in Theaters. and this one too… (note the English trailer is not out yet) August 14th in Theaters.

Jul 02

Stop and Go! A week long Animation class for kids next week at the Schulz Museum.

I will be in Santa Rosa all next week for the Animation Class I am teaching for advanced level kids Grade 4 and above. I am told there are still spots open. JULY 7–11,2008 ● 9am–12:30pm | Stop and Go! Learn the basics of stop-motion animation and make your own animated film by the end …

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Dec 24

Merry Yaksmas to everybody

Via artist Bob Camps blog. From the Ren and Stimpy show it’s a holiday song for Yaksmas about that jolly fellow Stinky Wisellteets. WATCH THE INSANITY HERE NOW!