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Feb 22

Wondercon 2008 begins today

I know, I know, I should be in bed. But I am getting ready for the big day today. Wondercon is the first major comic book convention of the year and I plan to have a good time. Today, Friday the convention runs from 12pm to 7pm. To find out more about the convention, visit the official site.

This is our first year back with a table since…er…a while ago and I am looking forward to seeing what I can do.

Featured at the table:

– NEW convention sketchbook: Maps, Magic and Menagerie. Includes an original custom one-of-a-kind drawing and features 32 pages of sketches in drawings in glorious black and white.

– NEW special edition postcard featuring Robin Hood and Friar Tuck. Only 25 CENTS each, or free with a purchase.

– Original art commissions, featuring color and black and white artwork.

– Beyond the Great Chimney issue #1 and #2

– Greeting Cards

– and possibly more!?

Atomic Bear Press can be found at Artist Alley table AA48. To find out more information on where to find us, visit HERE.

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