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Feb 23

Wondercon 2008 costumes

Here are a few photos of costumes I took at Wondercon2008 so far. There is one more day of the convention and hopefully more pictures too.

Steam Punk Adventures from #7 Saville Row


Wondercon 08


Phil Foglio’s Girl GeniusAgatha Clay


Wondercon 08 Girl Genius 01

and here is Agatha again with romantic interest Gilgamesh Wulfenbach.


Wondercon 08 Girl Genius 02

Creig Flessel’s Sandman circa Detective Comics. Note: he’s holding up a flier for the Creig Flessel exhibit at the Cartoon Art Museum.


Wondercon 08 The Sandman

Peter Parker (aka Spiderman) gets both the loves of his life Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Parker.


Wondercon 08 Spiderman with both his Girlfriends

And the steam punk heroes are back and one of them is trying to kill me. Scary.


Wondercon 08 steam punk adventures 02

2 pings

  1. […] Then I used a photo I took on Saturday as reference to do a wash drawing on Sunday of two of the Steam-Punk gents. You an see them in the photo HERE. […]

  2. […] helpful.  She’s very enthusiastic about self-publishing.  They put out a new page of Girl Genius three times a week on their website, and then they also have printed book versions for […]

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