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Tag: santa

Dec 20

New Art: Even Santa needs a bit of help…

I have not posted in a while and thought it was high-time to do, especially with the Christmas Holiday upon us later this week and the very end of the year a week later. I always do a bunch of Christmas Card designs every year and this year was no different and I was thinking …

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Dec 09

New Art> Punk Santa!

Happy Holidays.

Dec 23

Santa Claus Conquers The Martians audio comic.

So, this is not a fancy digital multimedia presentation, but a version of it from days past. Posted by Prof. Grewbeard at the blog Magic Carpet Burn, a comic and record based on the movie Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1965): At the top of today’s extra-special post is the Santa Claus Conquers The Martians …

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