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Tag: pirate art

Sep 12

September 19, 2009 Talk Like a Pirate Day

I will be a guest artist at the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore for Talk Like a Pirate Day on Saturday September 19, 2009. I will be on hand drawing pirates for the 100 pirate challenge as well as selling my books and chatting with guests. Plus I might be in costume too. The event is …

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Jun 09

Captain Scurvy

My friend Richard Becker gave me this awesome picture for my birthday in April. I just got the chance to scan the art and place it on-line. Captain Scurvy appears in fully painted comic strips in Pirate Magazine. art ©2008 Richard Becker

Dec 29

Immortalized in paint.

I had the pleasure of attending a birthday party for my friend, artist Richard Becker who is best known as a Pirate Artist. His latest work is an entirely painted comic and he added me in to a bar room scene enjoying the company of a lovely wench. I am very pleased and flattered. Can …

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