- Lots of nice examples of European comic art: http://www.galerie9art.fr A great place to get inspiration. #
- Check out my 24 Hour Comic Book Day comic from 2005. My first one. http://www.flickr.com/photos/briankolm/sets/72157623376136016/ #
- RT @magicjoe1: A great big Happy Birthday goes out today (Feb. 9th) to a true Disney Legend – BILL JUSTICE – who is now 96 years young!!! #
- I think it's cool that Stan Freberg will be a guest at Wondercon in April. #
- Cool, a sketch by Joe Jusko for a painting of Spider-Ham. http://joejusko.deviantart.com/art/SPIDER-HAM-Cover-Sketches-153418295 #
- Working up a little Easter treat for anyone who swings by to see me at Wondercon on April 4, 2010. #
- Any guess when the new versions of Adobe software will be out (CS5)? #
- Printing out templates to work on a project. Woot. #
- Get your mail from me? #
- Tonight is the Thursday night comic jam of the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco, 6:30pm Borderlands Cafe on Valencia St. #
- Anyone know a good place to eat on Valencia St. (San Francisco) #
- Checking out the Paul Pope art at the Cartoon Art Museum. Wow! The original art is huge and beautiful. Woot. #
- The comic jam was really nice and low key. Lots of good drawing going on. #
- Installed my new version of After Effects CS4. Boy is it a big difference from version 5.5. #
- Creative folks talk about what they do to overcome Creative Block: http://blog.iso50.com/2010/02/10/overcoming-creative-block/ #
- Taking some time to learn Blender 3D. Once you get the idea of how to do the basics, it's pretty powerful. And the program is FREE. Neat. #
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