- Trying to get some art done today, but the cleaning and organizing might be more important so I can do more later. #
- I have a 23 page comic to post on-line, do you prefer? 1) all pages at once 2) a PDF of whole comic 3) a page a day 4) a couple big chunks? #
- Hear me on the Window to the Magic podcast as I spend some time with Paul at Disneyland. http://tinyurl.com/lcfg8j #
- Disney is buying Marvel Comics! Did not see that one coming. #
- Glad to hear your trip was a winner. #
- Scanning the art from the last CAM JAM in August. They will show up sometime on-line in the next week or so and at the museum too. #
- Good information for freelance comic artists: http://tinyurl.com/lmmpej #
- on the Disney/Marvel merger: It’s funny how a lot of Marvel fans are angry/worried and Disney fans are excited and thrilled. #
- Just picked up Strange Tales 1 and Wednsday Comics 7. Super Heroes drawn by the cool kids. #
- The Cartoonist Conspiracy SF mini comic donations end up in Berlin at the Renate Comic library – http://bit.ly/kqW2q (via @miromi) #
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