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Jul 26

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-07-26

  • Trying to focus on packing for the SDCC. How many shirts? How many socks? How to not pack too much and have room to take shwag home with me. #
  • An UNofficial FOTM event for those staying thru Monday. This one is REALLY EXCITING! (via @fotm2009) hint: my event in reply to fotm2009 #
  • One day to SDCC 2009. It’s hard to beleve how fast the year has flown by. #
  • There is a free iphone/ipod touch app for Comic-Con. Woot. #
  • Q) SDCC 2009 sketchbook theme? 1) Characters from Disneyland Rides 2) Saturday Morning Modern Makeover 3) Super Robots 4) Super Animals #
  • Is at OAK airport on his way to San Diego. #
  • I have arrived in San Diego. #
  • In line for bus tour at the San Diego Zoo. #
  • In line to see the pandas. #
  • Day 1 of comic con is coming to an end. #
  • A fun day of the con followed by late dinner. #
  • Day two of sdcc was fun and long. #
  • The convention is over for me, but my geek quest is not over. Tommorow I am off to Disneyland. Now to sort and pack. #

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