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Jan 09

“I Can’t Draw!” Cartooning Basics for Grown-Ups

“I Can’t Draw!”-Cartooning Basics for Grown-Ups
with Brian Kolm, Cartoonist, Teacher and Graphic Designer
Saturday, February 9, 2008  1:00-3:30pm
Cost per individual class: $40; $30 for CAM members.

Due to popular demand, the Cartoon Art Museum is offering another installment in its ongoing series of workshops for aspiring comic artists, writers and fans of all ages. Each class is taught by a professional cartoonist focusing on an area of his or her expertise, ranging from character creation and story development to writing and drawing comic books and strips.

Brian Kolm, creator of the comic book series Beyond the Great Chimney, will be teaching the next workshop, “I Can’t Draw!” Cartooning Basics for Grown-Ups.

It∂s never too late to learn how to draw. ∏I Can∂t Draw∑ is a cartooning class aimed at adults who would like to learn more about Cartooning but feel they can∂t even draw a straight line. Join Cartoonist Brian Kolm in a fun two-and-a-half hour class on the basics of cartooning. Kolm’s class covers all the FUN-damentals of drawing cartoon characters, including shape and structure, poses and attitude.

Brian Kolm is a cartoonist and graphic designer who has been teaching at the Cartoon Art Museum since 2002. He has also taught classes at ZEUM and the Charles Schulz Museum and Research Center, and has worked as a private cartooning instructor since 2004. His comics and illustration can be seen at his blog at

Class size is limited, and each class is filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Basic drawing materials will be provided, but students are encouraged to purchase sketchbooks and their own drawing implements. For more information about the workshop, please contact Andrew Farago at (415) CAR-TOON, ext. 314, or via e-mail at

Cartoon Art Museum € 655 Mission Street € San Francisco, CA 94105 € 415-CAR-TOON €
Hours: Tues. Sun. 11:00 – 5:00, Closed Monday
General Admission:$6.00 € Student/Senior:$4.00 € Children 6-12:$2.00 € Members & Children under 6: Free

The Cartoon Art Museum is a tax-exempt, non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the collection, preservation,
study and exhibition of original cartoon art in all forms.