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Apr 04

Wondercon2011 Superhero Paintings

Wondercon this past weekend was really great. I got really good response to my NEW art prints and I did quite a bit of art while I was at the table. Some of the art was commissions and some was just to kill time during lulls. Over this week I will post some art and photos I took at the convention and share some of what happened too.

All the pieces were penciled in blue and then inked with a brush and acrylic ink then colored with watercolors.

For today’s post is some of the art I created at my Artist Alley table.  I was asked to draw some well known characters and this batch is all DC Comics related.

note: all the characters in the art below are ©DC Comics

wondercon 2011 comission - Green Lantern

Green Lantern is on many a mind at Wondercon with the new block-buster movie coming out soon. Sorry the photo is washed out.



wondercon 2011 sketchbook drawing - Flash

Flash drawn in someones sketchbook. NFS


wondercon 2011 comission - Green Arrow

Green Arrow. SOLD


wondercon 2011 comission - Blue Beetle (Jaime)

Blue Beetle III. SOLD

wondercon 2011 art - Blue Beetle (Ted)

Blue Beetle II. FOR SALE $20 (including shipping) – contact me if you are interested by comment below (email space is hidden and I will use it to write you back)

wondercon 2011 comission - Superman

And last, but not least is Superman. I really was pleased at how this one came out.


REMINDER: the Tiki and Creature prints go on sale in the webstore on April 6, 2011.

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