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Sep 26

October 18th is going to be Crazy Fun

October 18th has a lot going on. I am both teaching the drop-in kids cartooning class at the Cartoon Art Museum as well as participating for the 24 Hour Comic Book Day at Comics Outpost (more info here).

The problem? The 24 Hour Comic Book Day event starts at 11 am and I need to be at the museum to teach a class at 1 pm to 3 pm. So I am going to possibly loose 3 to 4 hours of time on the comic, meaning it might be more like a 20 to 21 Hour Comic Book challenge for me.

Will I give up….NO! It just means that I am going to be drawing on the Muni. I am also hoping that I can involve the kids in the process somehow too. That would make it double good.

I also hope that I can blog durring the day to let you know whats going on.

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