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Jul 02

Sketch-A-Thon at the San Diego Comic-Con!

note: I edited in some new text from the Museum which is in quotes.
— Are you an artist going to the San Diego Comic-Con?

— Are you willing to donate an hour or so of your time to help the Cartoon Art Museum of San Francisco? (

If you answered yes to both of these questions you might be able to help the Museum as part of their fund raising Sketch-A-Thon at the Comic-Con. This will be the second annual Sketch-A-Thon the museum has done and last years was a huge success thanks to the help of both well known and up-and-coming artist. Last year we had Eric Powell, Alison Bechdel, Tom Beland and Keith Knight to name a few.

“Artists of all shapes, sizes and skill levels are welcome, so please don’t be intimidated by the list that I’ve posted. We’re hoping to have one veteran artist and one up-and-comer at the table at all times, which will allow the younger artists to learn from the older ones (and vice versa).”

How it works: Artist’s are scheduled for a block of time, usually one hour, to come to the booth and draw. On average the cost for the drawings are $10 for 8.5″ x 5.5″ or $25 for 8.5″ x 11″. Sometimes you might be drawing a requested character for someone and sometimes you might be just adding drawings to our impressive selection. Sometimes the drawings do sell for more for certain well known artists.

This year your assistance and supported is needed more then ever since we were not able to get a booth on the actual main floor and are on the mezzanine annex. That means we need to work even harder to get folks to find us. NOTE: Artist must all ready have their own badges to the Comic-con.

“We set a new fundraising record at last year’s Comic-Con, and we’re hoping to top that total this year. Due to overcrowding, we’ll be stationed on the mezzanine level this year with various Star Wars and other sci-fi fan groups, so our need for artists is even greater this year than usual. (My prediction is that any artist who can draw Chewbacca or Mr. Spock will bring lots of attention and money to the Museum.)”

– IF you are not able to come and draw at the table we would still love you to donate a drawing for our Fund Raiser. We can provided you with our sheet of card stock at the convention and can even swing back to pick it up from your booth or table.

– IF you live in the Bay Area and are not able to make it to the convention and want to donate a drawing, contact Andrew at the email below and arrange to pick up the sheet to draw it on.

SO, if you are interested, email Andrew Farago at: gallery AT cartoonart DOT org and let him know who you are, when you might be available, and a URL to your artwork.

Thank you in advance for your support.