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Feb 15

Creig Flessel graphic

I recently did the logo design for the Cartoon Art Museums retrospective of Creig Flessel. I translated his distinctive signature into a vector file and then modified it. I really like how cool this one turned out.


This month, February 2008, Creig Flessel turned 96. To celebrate his life and art, there is a showcases of his work from early superhero comics, comic strips, Playboy Magazine, and beyond. He is the creator of The Sandman from Detective Comics as well as the Shinning Knight, both reside as part of the DC comics universe now. The show does have some ‘adult’ content, but is worth a see. Just be warned if you bring along some young kids.

I find it inspiring that Creig is still drawing, and drawing well this late in his life. If only I can be so lucky.

As a bonus, below is the card Creig created for Phil Frank last year when he was in the hospital. Great drawings and wonderful painting skills too.


Flessel card for Phil Frank