Visit my new website... (this site is not being updated)
Visit my new website... (this site is not being updated)

Oct 30

Welcome to the New ATOMIC BEAR PRESS Log and Site

After a month or so of work I am happy to welcome you to my new site. I found that I always have had a hard time updating my site, with the exception of my blog. Well now my entire site is a blog and I am very happy about it. I am using WordPress which is a system that gives you an easy interface to post articles and pages with out having to deal with coding.


You can make my site even better by commenting on posts with your thoughts and comments. I always like to know what my readers are thinking about.

To Receive UPDATES: You can get updates on what I am doing a few ways…

– Subscribe to the mailing list on the sidebar or on the contact page. The newsletter (hopefully) comes out once/twice a month but I won’t make any guarantees.

– Use a News Reader service with the sites RSS feed. Just click on the Feed Icon on the sidebar.

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