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Dec 16

2015-12-29 Super Cartooning: Wonder Women and Mighty Men – 9:00 am – 12:30 pm @ Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa CA

I’m back at the Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa CA for two kids cartooning classes. This one is

Super Cartooning: Wonder Women and Mighty Men
When: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 – 9:00 am – 12:30 pmBack
Venue: Schulz Museum Education Annex
(park in Hardies Lane Schulz Museum parking lot Santa Rosa, Ca, , 95403)
Tickets: Advance reservations required by registering online @ or calling (707) 284-1272.

Work with cartoonist Brian Kolm and learn to draw hearty heroes and strong supermen and women. Design your own evil aliens, android and human heroes, and their cosmic foes!.

Schulz Museum logo - Santa Rosa CA