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Tag: artist

Sep 12

The Totoro Forest Project at the Cartoon Art Museum

The Cartoon Art Museum has a multi-faceted art exhibit coming up starting on September 20th. The show will actually appear in segments with the fist one opening in a week. So by December the show will encompass 1/3 to 1/2 of the museum. The art work was created as part of a fund raiser for …

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Jul 17

CAM Sketch-A-Thon and the San Diego Comic-Con

Thousands of artist, writers, fans, film makers, sculptors, actors and everyone else will be heading down to San Diego for the big San Diego Comic-Con. The convention is a week away (July 23-27, 2008) I will be found working the Cartoon Art Museum booth at MZ11 on the Mezzanine Level (the space in the back …

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May 23

Jason Peck’s Adventure of the Brush

A new favorite blog of mine features the work of artist and painter Jason Peck. He practices classic painting techniques like oils and watercolors to create cool fantasy and adventure themed illustrations and art. He has a fully painted graphic novel comic out, the Explorers, that looks fantastic. So check out his work HERE. To …

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May 15

Supercon this weekend in San Jose May 17-18,2008

I will be at Supercon 2008 in San Jose this Saturday at the Cartoon Art Museum table right in front (or so I am told). I will be selling Comics and be taking commissions for original art. So come on buy and say ‘Hi”. Find out more at

Apr 25

The ORPHAN WORKS BILL is alive! Yikes.

OK folks, this is scary. Comic Book artist Colline Doran has information on the Orphan Bill. The new bill would make all our creative work an ORPHAN and we would have to register with new private sector company and PAY for ever piece that we have created before the bill was available and everything after. …

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Mar 31

Sketch Crawl 3-29-08 – part 2

(CONTINUED from PART 1) Continuing from my first part of my participation in the San Francisco Sketch Crawl on 3-29-08. Starting to get hungry, I journied over to Lori’s Diner with artists Toni Nobel and Liz Cunningham. We wanted to have some clam chowder, and at Lori’s we could sit outside and keep drawing. All …

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Mar 30

Sketch Crawl 3-29-08 – part 1

I went to my first Sketch Crawl yesterday. It’s a artist event founded by PIXAR story artist Enrico Casarosa and attracts many artist who spend a day (11 to 5) in San Francisco drawing and “Crawling.” It was fun and inspiring to be surrounded by super talented artists. The basic idea: to record nonstop everything …

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Mar 18

I am starting to post some of my work at, a site for art collectors and artist. I hope in the future it will lead to some paying work as well as find a different audience for my art. Right now I have posted only a few Superhero fan pin-ups. The work is the …

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