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Tag: animal

Mar 31

New Art! – Sketch Tuesdays Sheep

Drawn at 111 Minna gallery and club in San Francisco at the Sketch Tuesday artist event on 3/21/12. The event allows artist to make art on the spot and place it for sale for patrons visiting the space. The art is black acrylic ink and watercolor on watercolor paper.

Jan 30

NEW ART – Lizard and Bird watercolors

Two mini watercolor paintings inspired by a March 2003 National Geography Magazine by Brian Kolm. Click above for slightly larger image.

Nov 20

new art> Whale Cowboy

This is a drawing with washes of brown ink I created and sold at Sketch Tuesday at 111 Minna in San Francisco. I like how it came out and am happy someone else can enjoy it. more info at:

Nov 19

new art> Fish thingy watercolor

This is a watercolor I created and took too Sketch Tuesday at 111 Minna in San Francisco. I think it’s kind of creepy and cute at the same time. Which is a good thing, I think. more info at:

Aug 02

10 Combo Creature Evolution

Another exercise I did while I was on vacation this week in SoCal. This time it was to draw 10 creatures made up two different animals. I started with the Chipmunk/Turtle. The next one used the Turtle’s head and a new body, that of a rabbit. I continued on from there with the last drawing …

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