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Tag: after effects

Apr 21

Motion Comic Magic- the Blue Dog

Time for a little “Practice-what-I-preach.” I have been posting examples of re-purpose artwork (comics, illustrations, photos) for animation for a while, but I have not posted much in the ways of my own animation. I do cartoons and illustrations, but also do some work with motion graphics and animation as well. In fact I am …

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Dec 11

New Art/Motion Comic Magic: Animatics and the Puppet Tool

I just started a new workshop at the youth center I work at featuring one of my favorite applications, Adobe After Effects (as well as Photoshop and Illustrator too). I love After Effects since there is so much versatility in what you can do. The program is also great since it can accommodate huge differences …

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Mar 11

2D animation in Adobe After Effects

I love Adobe’s After Effects program. It’s complex, but open ended in it’s possibilities for doing animation, motion graphics, and special effects. After Effects is also the most popular program that animators use to create Motion Comics too. It seems that artist are just starting to delve into the program as a character animation tool …

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Feb 13

Testing Blender+After Effects

I have always dabbled in animation, even doing a few semi-pro jobs in my youth. So I love how you can use technology to bring your art to life in new ways. This is a very rough test to create an elaborate multiplane shot for a friends trailer for his comic. The goal is to …

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