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Tag: 826 valencia

May 20

826 Valencia: The Funny Adventure of Grumpy’s Dream

Here are some artwork from the 826 Valencia field trip story book that I illustrated this morning. It was written by second graders and I did the drawings in real time while it was written by the kids with help of typist Bonnie and leader Chad. It’s always fun to participate and I recommend all …

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Feb 02

826 Valencia: Mick the Ghost and Mr. Blue

This month I returned to do some illustration work at 826 Valencia writing center in San Francisco. The kids wrote the story and I illustrated it in real time. But the kids decided to write about our boss, Mr. Blue and when the kids were done he approved the stories and then fired me. I …

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Feb 29

826 Valencia Field Trip artwork: the Day the Kids didn’t come

For the latest 826 Valencia field trip I arrived Thursday morning and was surprised to see a group of folks from Santa Fe New Mexico who would help out with the field trip to see how it is done. That meant instead of the 5 people who usually work the field trips, there was more …

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Feb 08

826 Valencia Field Trip artwork: Annie’s Gold

Annie is a funny colored hamster who wants to mine for gold during the American Gold Rush in California. So she leaves from her home in Spain to go to California on the back of a swimming horse. She’s attacked by flying pigs before being rescued.  [singlepic=396,320,240,,][singlepic=395,320,240,,] click for a bigger image This is the …

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Jan 24

826 Valencia Field Trip artwork: The adventure of the French Veggies.

Today was the first 826 Valencia field trip of the year in which I work with a school group to illustrate a story they write as a group. Now, I won’t post the whole story like some folks have done (I am lazy I guess), but I will show you the drawings I created. [singlepic=388,320,240,,] …

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Nov 24

826 Valencia Field Trip artwork: Crystal Blue

These are some drawings I did at the 826 Valencia writing center in San Francisco CA. I volunteer to work as an artist and illustrate the work of visiting school groups in real time. Instead of my usual storybook illustrations these were storyboards drawn with preteens. I really like the mixed media approach that happened …

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Nov 24

826 Valencia Field Trip artwork: the 3 Friends and BIG fight in the Zombie Castle on Pluto

[singlepic=330,320,240,,] This was drawn a week ago, but I forgot to upload it till now. It’s the latest collaborative work I illustrated at the 826 Valencia writing center in San Francisco. This story, “the 3 Friends and BIG fight in the Zombie Castle on Pluto,” is the longest name I have seen to one of …

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