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Oct 15

Kid Beowulf and the Song of Roland trailer

After working on and off with my friend and colleague Alexis Fajardo for the last 5 months we have created an animated trailer for the graphic novel, Kid Beowulf and the Song of Roland. This is our best one so far and took the most time too. That was partially since it was not only the 2D motion comic stuff going on, but also 40 seconds of 3D animation. I have never done 3d animation before, but it was always a struggle. But after finding a great demo that showed how to use After Effects with the free program Blender 3D it became a lot easier.

Here it is: the Kid Beowulf and the Song of Roland trailer (from Bowler Hat Comics)….

The 3d for this project was done with the Open Source program Blender 3D, the 2D animation and composting was done in Adobe After Effects and the image editing and coloring was done in Adobe Photoshop.

And here you can see an evolution with the four other Kid Beowulf videos I helped create with Alexis in the past… (chronologically going back in time BTW)

Kid Beowulf and the Blood Bound Oath (book number one published though Bowler Hat Comics)….

A teaser with Hama the pig…

Kid Beowulf the original self-published graphic novel…

3 pings

  1. […] Don’t forget to check out the video I did with comic creator Alexis E. Farjardo for a trailer for Kid Beowulf and the Song of Roland. […]

  2. […] Just a bit of disclosure is that I have made some videos like these myself. In fact I just posted some work two weeks ago that I did with comic creator Alexis E. Farjardo for a trailer for Kid Beowulf and the Song of Roland. […]

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