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Jun 04

Summer 2010 cartooning fun.

Hello all, Summer is almost here and that means it’s busy busy busy time. I will be teaching much this summer…

June 7 – 11: Character Creation and Design
Ages 10-15, 12pm to 2pm
– CARTOON ART MUSEUM, San Francisco (link to registration)

Students learn the steps to developing their own character for their own projects. This class will cover figure construction, costume, personality, back-story, and creating a model sheet as well as a final illustration.

June 14 – 18: From Storyboard to Animatics
Ages 10-15, 12pm to 2pm
– CARTOON ART MUSEUM, San Francisco (link to registration)

In this class students learn to draw storyboards just like the ones used in movies and television shows. Once the storyboards are created students will develop them into an animated piece. The class will explore drawing, camera moves and lighting, timing and communication, and applying simple animation and camera moves to give a simulation of what a final film would look like.

June 21 – 25: Fantasy Creatures and Mythical Beasts
Ages 10-15, 12pm to 2pm
– CARTOON ART MUSEUM, San Francisco (link to registration)

Gryphons, unicorns, and dragons, oh my! Students learn to draw mythical beasties from around the world and even make up their own. Some of the highlights will be: drawing creatures on all fours, drawing simplified fur and scales, and setting the scene and mood.

June 28 – July 2: Animation and Motion Comics
Ages 10-15, 12pm to 2pm
– CARTOON ART MUSEUM, San Francisco (link to registration)

Thanks to modern technology we have seen a new art form, the motion comics. This class will allow students to learn how to take their own comics and artwork and animate them in both traditional and digital methods. The final video will be available for the world to see on the internet.

July 6-9: Cartooning: Heroes & Villains
Kids on Camp – Chabot College, Hayward CA
Note: Only one class in a full day of fun. (link to registration)

From dashing comic book superheroes to beautiful Amazon queens with giant swords, to an evil half-man-half snake or a threatening villain who wants to destroy the world, what would stories be like without the good guys and the bad guys? Explore how to design your very own heroes and villain characters. You’ll learn how to draw the character’s features, design costumes and props, create a story behind your characters, and end by creating a presentation illustration to show your family and friends.
Materials fee: $10

July 19-23: Cartooning: Monsters & Critters
Kids on Camp – Chabot College, Hayward CA
Note: Only one class in a full day of fun. (link to registration)

Whether it’s a graceful unicorn, a slithering dragon or a more modern beast, we have been telling stories of fanciful creatures of all sorts since the beginning of time. This class will feature lessons on drawing classic beasties, the structure and construction of four- legged animals, and designing original creatures as well as a technique for presenting a final drawing.
Materials fee: $10

August 2–6: Schulz Museum, Santa Rosa CA
(link to registration)

August 4: Making Mini Comics

August 2–6: LEGO Animation
MONDAY–FRIDAY – 9am–12:30pm

Use computers and LEGOs to create your own short films. Build sets and characters with LEGOs. Add lights, cameras, computers, and action to create and edit a movie.