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Jul 17

CAM Sketch-A-Thon and the San Diego Comic-Con

Thousands of artist, writers, fans, film makers, sculptors, actors and everyone else will be heading down to San Diego for the big San Diego Comic-Con. The convention is a week away (July 23-27, 2008) I will be found working the Cartoon Art Museum booth at MZ11 on the Mezzanine Level (the space in the back that you pass on your way upstairs to the sails pavilion and the panels

Last year it was a $10 donation for a 5.5″ x 8.5″ drawing and $25 for a 8.5″ x 11″ drawing (with exceptions for some big name artists). The museum will have one to two guest artist at the booth every hour generally from 12pm to 6pm everyday. You just come by and request a sketch and the before you know it you have a one of a kind piece of original art. The prices are great and it goes to a great cause. AND since our location is a bit hidden we need you folks to come by and say ‘Hi.”

There are still lots of open spots for more artist to come and help out by drawing, Just drop on by and set up a time to help out.

Now the big question is who is going to be drawing. Well some of the artist you know and some you do not, but they are really talented. Some of the artist scheduled are: Alex Schumacher, Debbie Huey, Loraine Sammy, Josh Ellingson, Felix Kramer, Zach Weiner, Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf, Lisa Ann Wilson, Mike Gray, Doug Gray, Loraine Sammy, Catherine Smith, Mark Todd. Weshoyot Alvitre, Scott Sava, Mark Politi, Karen Luk, Dirk Tiede, Molly Hahn, Jesse Hamm, Tanya Roberts, Tamer Youssef, Ted Rall, Catherine Smith, Urian Brown, Brian Kolm, Mark Badger, Phil Foglio, Dan Piraro, Jon “Bean” Hastings, Keith Knight, Batton Lash, Molly Hahn, Karen Luk, Dirk Tiede, Katari Sporrong….and MORE.

You will never know who will show up, so stop on by. See you there.

p.s. here is some of the art I created last year at comic-con.

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