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Apr 25

The ORPHAN WORKS BILL is alive! Yikes.

OK folks, this is scary. Comic Book artist Colline Doran has information on the Orphan Bill. The new bill would make all our creative work an ORPHAN and we would have to register with new private sector company and PAY for ever piece that we have created before the bill was available and everything after. All work we created would be free for anyone to use and would not be able to stop them. This is bad for us artist. We create work and need to be protected. The web is all ready full of people ‘borrowing’ work with no credit or agreement with artist.

Listen to the audio to understand more.

Read her thoughts and follow the links to hear a pod cast about. [link]

– Nothing we do would be protected unless registered with commercial registry. Registry do not exist yet. We would have to pay to have our work protected or everything is lost is how it would work. It would ORPHAN all the work we had done.

– Again. We would have to scan any older work and pay to have it registered. Any of old work would be ORPHANED.

– Even our work in our sketchbooks would be free game since they are not © when we create them with this bill.


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