I went to my first Sketch Crawl yesterday. It’s a artist event founded by PIXAR story artist Enrico Casarosa and attracts many artist who spend a day (11 to 5) in San Francisco drawing and “Crawling.” It was fun and inspiring to be surrounded by super talented artists.
The basic idea: to record nonstop everything I could around me with my pencil and watercolors. A drawn journal filled with details ranging from the all the coffee I drank to the different buses I took. After a whole day of drawing and walking around the city the name seemed quite fitting: “SketchCrawl†– a drawing marathon. The crawl was more tiring than I imagined but also more fun and exciting than I had thought. Giving yourself this kind of mandate for a full day changes the way you look around you. It makes you stop and see things just a tad longer, just a bit deeper … needless to say I loved it.
…The next step was making the SketchCrawl a World Wide event: having people from different corners of the world join in a day of sketching and journaling and then, thanks to the Internet, having everyone share the results on an online forum.
So here it is, we have a website now, a few Crawls behind me, some by myself some with friends and artists from around the world … and hopefully plenty SketchCrawls ahead of us.
So after I BARTed into San Francisco to the Embarcadero station and took a tourist filled F line bus as far as I could. I then walked to the Ghirardelli Square structure to meet for the Sketch Crawl. There were all ready a handful of artist there and by the starting time there was at least 20 to 30 creative folks ready to go.
Artist gathering…
Fine Artist John Deckert shows of his cleaver way to prop up his drawing board on location.
By 11:30 we artist had invaded the square and were mostly drawing the tourist and our fellow artist. Here are some of my drawings…
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